Our name.
The choice of "Celerity" in our name embodies more than just velocity—it represents the perfect union of speed and grace. In maritime contexts, celerity specifically refers to the speed at which waves travel across water, making it particularly fitting for our revolutionary marine technology.
Our logo.
Our colors.
CMYK 78 / 62 / 57 / 49
RGB 46 / 59 / 64
Web #2E3B40
Primary Color
CMYK 11 / 49 / 91 / 00
RGB 224 / 144 / 53
Web #E09035
Secondary Color
The Fine Print.
These brand assets are protected under intellectual property laws and represent our company's identity.
Please do
Maintain clear space around the Celerity Craft logo and wing emblem
Scale the logo proportionally to maintain clarity
Use our official color palette as specified
Contact us if you need clarification about usage
Please don't
Modify our logo or wing emblem in any way
Display our brand assets in a way that suggests partnership or endorsement without written agreement
Use our graphics as part of your own brand identity
Combine our logo with other graphics without explicit permission
Change the orientation of the wing emblem
Alter the spacing between "Celerity" and "Craft"